I discovered that the slowdown had nothing to do with my camera class, and possibly everything to do with something called predicated tiling. In short, the Xbox has but 10 MB of high-speed video RAM (a major WTF factor for many developers, although clearly a well-designed game can make do). When rendering in 1080p resolution, that means there's a good bit of memory shuffle going on in order to get everything drawn. When "everything" is 12,000+ vertices, that means a LOT of shuffle, and draw cycles don't complete on time.
So, for now, I've dropped back to rendering at 720p. I don't like the loss of resolution, but it eliminates the problem. Later I will start to investigate mechanisms for only drawing subgroups of vertices that have a high probability of being visible.
For now, I think I am going to focus on gameplay. I have three or four main modes of play in mind, each of which shouldn't present an insurmountable challenge, and together should make for a game with plenty of replay value and should sell pretty well.
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